Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ready, Set, Blog

It is time, finally!  How many blogs have I started but never really knew what to write about....too many.  This blog, I've got plans for!  This can be my learning journal as I complet EDUC5103 (the first course towards my Masters) AND help me continue with the #etmooc that I really really want to make time for.

This week in official "class" we read about some learning theories that best fit direct instruction and the constructivist approaches.  During the discussions I'm noticing that math keep being described as a subject best taught by direct instruction.  Sad if this is true, since I just spent 3 years creating math courses based on social constructivist methods!!! 

This week in my "unofficial" class - #etmooc - I realised there is no way I can have google+ send me emails every time someone posts.  1000 students is alot :)  I also appreciate how this course is described:
  • cMOOCs are not proscriptive, and participants set their own learning goals and type of engagement.
  • cMOOCs are discursive communities creating knowledge together.
And apparently "The best way to understand a connectivist course is to participate in one." so here I go! (martin)  If this course is about conversations and socially constructing knowledge...I'm in!  Ready, set, blog!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer.

    I agree. Too many email notifications from the Google+ group. I think an important part of a course like thus is being able to quickly monitor what is happening while not being overwhelmed.

    Things that helped me are:
    1. Turning off email notifications and switching to reading on Google+ app on a tablet.
    2. Subscribing to the blog hub feed in Google Reader and reading it on my tablet.
    3. Monitoring the etmooc hashtag on twitter.

    Good luck with the course and your blogging!
